Something interesting that I do besides work projects.
Apps that I spent a lot of my energy on and which can be downloaded from the app store.
Learning chemisty interactively on iOS
MAU >2k | 4.7⭐ in App Store | easychem.appYour virtual wardrobe
clobber.siteSmall apps that simplify my life and were made just for my purposes.
Track COVID-19 cases in the world
GitHubParse and store flat bills
GitHub📐 Mastering autolayout constraints in code
Swift🏡 Control MiHome devices via homebridge.
TypeScript🧩 Simple educational chemical puzzle game built on SpriteKit
Swift, SpriteKit, Xcode Playground🔬 Create and simulate various physical experiments
Swift, Xcode Playground👨🎓 Useful materials for BMSTU students
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